rumun portal

My favourite games is: Diablo2 (xD), Call of Duty and WoW
Hmmm...My favourite is Diablo2 too. I played one month and i said that s bad, but when i was playing more i play to now

Diablo 2 since 2001
good but who write on forum diablo that his favourite game is other:D
My favourite games
1.diablo 2
2.fifa 2008
3.gta san
4.cs or pro stret
Diablo 2 ofc and CS
D2 , lineage2 and cs ^_^
D2, Fifa Street 2, Assasin's Creed
My people Ziemny

My Fav Game is also Diablo 2 but I hope Diablo 3 iss coming soon don't like the Graphic anymore...
D2 and Warcraft
Diablo 2 , Americas Army and W3 , WoW
my favourites game:
counter strike 1.6-slupski server (upadl z powodu braku dostarczania funduszy na server)

Gta San Andreas
heroes 5
D2 ,Guild wars ,CS
Gta 4 , SA
Diablo 2
Resident Evil 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
Gran Turismo 2 , 4
Counter Strike 1.6
Final Fantasy 8
My favouriste seven games.
ofc diablo, gears of war, oraz na psp: monster hunter freedom, ridge racer 2, bomberman (prawie zawsze wygrywam w necie :x)
hehe ciekawe, forum o tematyce diablo ;)
czyli moje ulubione gry:
Diablo2 lod
Fallout 2&Tactics
Warhammer 40k Soulstorm
PES 2009
World Of Warcraft, Diablo II, Call Of Duty 4, Counter-Strike 1.6, Morrowind
Diablo 2 LoD
CS 1.6
Warcraft III
A więc tak:
- Diablo II
- Heroes of Might and Magic 3
- WoW
Counter Strike 1.6
Counter Strike: Source
Gothic 1 & 2
Star Wars: Episode III
Half Life 2
Call of Duty 4 (on-line only)
Diablo 2 LoD
Asassins Creed
Gothic I-III
Diablo 2
Heroes III
NHL 07
Fight Night Round 3
Pizza conection 2
Gothic 2
I to na tyle

Ej to jest jaka¶ zabawa że piszemy po angielsku? ;D
-Diablo 1/2
-World of WarCraft
-Quake 3 Arena
-Fallout 1/2/3
-Stick Arena: Go Ballistick
-Call of Duty Modernfire (czy jak się piszę)
-Aliens Vs. Predator 2
-Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
-Assassin Cread
-EvE Online
I wiele wiele... innych ;D
-Team Fortress 2
-Half-Life 2
-Half-Life 2 Episode One
-Half-Life 2 Episode Two
-Diablo ][][ LoD
-Garry's Mod 10
1.Operation Flashpoint
2.Armed Assault
3.Combat Mission Beyond Overlord
6. a szóstke wcieło i tyle ;p
Diablo 2
Call of Duty 2
Counter-Strike 1.6/Source
GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer
Alien Nations 2

d2 lod
fify od 2005 w górę
prince of persia : warrior within
civilization 4
cs 1.6
age of empires II : the coqueros expansion
Diablo 2 LoD
Far Cry
Call of Duty (1 i 2 najlepsza ;p)
Fifa 09
Heroes 3
Need For Speed (każdy dobry prócz Carbona)
Diablo II LoD BN ( only )
CoD 4 ( online )
cod 2 ( single player )
Mario xD musiałem napisać