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Pan tadeusz ~~ total crap... not for me movies like that one

I must saw Pan Tadeusz this was my lecture but this was noob's film i dont like.
Every poethic films what I ever watched are craps :s

Pan tadeusz ~~ total crap... not for me movies like that one
Vouch,Pan Tadeusz is total crap

"Zemsta" F***in boring movie omg...
"akcja pod Arsenałem" i had questions with this :/
,,Ostatni Legio" jest to lepsze od ,,Troy" i to dobry filmik polecam

,,Ostatni Legio" jest to lepsze od ,,Troy" i to dobry filmik polecam

It's not Polish subforum pls speake english
"wron turn 2" Wtf is this? anybody watched it?
"Mały książe" hahahah xD i saw and hmmm...i've had mega laughing
I hate "Maly Ksiaze" because there is no-sens.
"Chodź tu, idz z tąd, chodź tu, wynoś się".
Something like this.
Ogniem i Mieczem total crap
"Dream Girl" what the hell was that?
Potop :<
yeah potop do u see that all worst film are from poland ??P
pan tadeusz ? RLY ? ;D
i think that it's interesting like book. ^^
damn who watch it
lol grief noobzor but ok i dont like but u can like

Indiana Dżonss new (no polish)
OMG! Thx peter for remind me Potop.
I must read it. I have 2 weeks time left :<
Pan Tadeusz ;p
wiedzmin z Zebrowskim ^^
why i think that wedźmin is good and why with Żebrowski ? o.O
a moze "Świetoszek" ^^??
moze nie bijacy inne na glowe ale dla mnie w ostatnich czasach scierwo - anaconda 3

It's not Polish subforum pls speake english

High school is total crap

why i think that wedźmin is good and why with Żebrowski ? o.O

'cause it has nothing to do with the book, and it's total crap as a movie ;) However Żebrowski match the role with his look, in my opinion xP
aem ? "epic movie", "meet my spartans" total crap :/
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